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Corso di Laurea magistrale in Filologia, Letteratura e Storia dell'Antichità

Presentation of the Course

The second-cycle degree / University Master programme in Classical Philology, Literature and History of Classical Antiquity is articulated into two different curricula:

  • philological-literary curriculum (D92), mainly focused on Classical literatures and philology;
  • historical curriculum (D93), mainly focused on Greek and Roman history.

Our course, which is held in Italian, is intended to provide:

  • a thorough knowledge of Greek and Latin literatures and ancient history, supported by solid skills in Classical philology and other complementary disciplines;
  • full possession of critical, philological and historical research tools;
  • full control of the methods and techniques of interpreting literary and documentary sources of the ancient world. 


The course aims to impart a wide-ranging intellectual education through a high-powered and specialized training. It is meant for teaching careers in secondary school and/or universities, for careers in the field of school management, but also for professional careers requiring a solid cultural background and historical knowledge, literary and humanistic skills, ability in interpretation and production of texts. 

The degree programme prepares for the profession of general or departmental director (or equivalent), as well as of director of state administrations, autonomous companies, non-economic public institutions, local authorities, educational institutions, universities and research centres; it also trains students who aspire to become professional writers (or equivalent), interpreters and translators, linguists and philologists, archivists, librarians, conservators of museums and assimilated specialists, researchers, graduate technicians, professors in secondary school, school counsellors, secretaries, technicians in general affairs.

The second-cycle degree in Classical Philology, Literature and History of Classical Antiquity opens up the sectors of the publishing and cultural industry, journalism and communication, teaching in secondary schools, careers in cultural institutions and research centres (libraries, archives, foundations, superintendencies, museums). The graduate student will also have access to masters of second level and to various doctoral schools, which, especially in Florence, support research consistent with the educational approach of this degree. Please note that for access to teaching in secondary schools it is necessary to obtain, after the MA degree, a specific qualification.   


Link to the course and examination regulations, and to the list of teachings:


last update: 22-Sep-2022
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